Saturday, March 31, 2012

Uve Schikora Gruppe - Das Gewitter (1972)

So, up until this album, I didn't know too much at all about Cold War-era Eastern German music, let alone that they even had music. Starting from hearing the funkalicious "Oh Angela" (dedicated to black power and Communist activist Angela Davis) late one night and several translated Wikipedia tabs later, I came upon the state-owned Amiga record label, responsible for a majority of releases at the time. One such being Das Gewitter (The Storm), the first and only LP by Uve Schikora and his backing group. Ranging from poppy to pyschedelic to jazzy, the album constantly contorts with a graceful chaos through songs, revealing new facets with each motion. Undeservingly forgotten, Das Gewitter is a gem and satisfactory listen that warrants repeated visits for anyone either a fan of progressive rock or a newcomer to it (such as myself).


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